Graham Nash Menu

Wall Street Journal - Graham Nash: Group-Bonding Agent

Los Angeles
Zina Saunders
Was this really the address? Wedged tightly between its neighbors, the small, brown house on an unassuming street in a beach community near the airport here lacked rock-star status. No long stone driveway. No bubbling fountains. And no army of landscapers. Just thick palms and a tall wooden fence for security.
"I like being invisible around everyday people," said a barefoot Graham Nash, wearing green canvas pants and a black T-shirt that set off his shock of snow-white hair. "The legend thing isn't me, man. I much prefer observing the universe up close as I go through my daily life rather than being the center of it."

Blending in will be a bit tougher in the coming weeks. Mr. Nash—the 71-year-old co-founder of the Hollies and Crosby, Stills & Nash (and sometimes Young)—is embarking on a solo tour this week that will coincide with the Sept. 17 publication of his memoir, "Wild Tales: A Rock & Roll Life" (Crown Archetype). In the book, Mr. Nash writes candidly about his relationships with Joni Mitchell and Rita Coolidge, the drug use and abuse by members of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, and his cyclical efforts to reunite CSN.
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